A bit about me...
Hi! I'm Kelly Coleman, co-founder and Managing Director for PeeKdesigns, where we create education solutions that inspire you to learn about your local region.
I started using my parents old 35mm Canon when I was a kid. As a teenager, I inherited my grandfather's black and white photographic equipment and turned my parents caravan into a darkroom for many years. I still use a Canon, but now I prefer to do my processing in Lightroom and Photoshop.
My love of photography has stemmed from a desire to record animal behaviours, stages of plant growth and the beauty that is the Australian landscape. I also love to capture history and culture in all its forms, from Indigenous cultural presentations, exhibitions and workshops, to old weathered buildings and early settlement. From this, I use my photos in the development of education resources and have been doing so for over 20 years.
Our projects at PeeKdesigns often include my photographic skills to tell the story about a local site, species or ecosystem. If you're interested, please contact me. Or better yet, why not check out the work we do at PeeKdesigns by heading over to our website.